7 May - Nebraska - Team 1
Start: Fort Collins, CO
End: Scottsbluff, NE
Intercept: Harrisburg, NE
Distance covered: 361 miles (581 km)
8 May - Iowa - Team 1
Start: Scottsbluff, NE
End: Cherokee, IA
Intercept: Washita, IA
Distance covered: 447 miles (719 km)
9 May - Nebraska
Start: Cherokee, IA
End: Lemoyne, NE
Driving into position for May 10th - relax day at the lake
Distance covered: 447 miles (719 km)
10 May - Nebraska
Start: Lemoyne, NE
End: Ogallala, NE
Intercept: Cisco, NE
Distance covered: 447 miles (763 km)
Features: HP Supercells (3), Meso (1)
We chased 3 supercells in the Nebraska Panhandle. The last one near Cisco was the most intense with two brief touchdowns reported. We were not able to see because of the angle we had on the meso.
11 May - Wyoming
Start: Ogallala, NE
End: Fort Collins, CO
Intercept: Mediren, WY
Distance covered: 352 miles (566 km)
Chasing at high altitudes around 2,000 meters. Very cold with temperatures dropping below 10°C during a hail storm.
12 May - Colorado (no chasing)
Start: Fort Collins, CO
End: Hot Sulphur Springs, Co
Distance covered: 300 miles (482 km)
No storms in the forecast today, so we took a day off in Hot Sulphur Springs in the Colorado Rockies.
13 May - Colorado (Team 1) Oklahoma (Team 2)
Start: Hot Sulphur Springs, Co (T1) Amsterdam (T2)
End: Fort Collins, CO (T1), Childress, TX (T2)
Distance covered: T1: 276 miles (444 km), T2: 230 miles (370 km)
Team 1 intercepted two weak storms in north-eastern Colorado. No significant weather encountered. Teams 2 arrived in Dallas and drove westward to the Texas Panhandle, just in-time so see their first (weak) storm.
14 May - Wyoming (team 1), Colorado & Kansas (team 2)
Start: Fort Collins, CO (T1) Childress, TX (T2)
End: Jackson Hole, WY (T1) Garden City, KS (T2)
Distance covered: T1:450 miles (724 km) T2: 702 miles (1129 km)
Team 1 intercepted a strong storm near Laramie, Wyoming with hail upto 2 cm. Team 2 chased a supercell from just east of Denver during 3-4 hours into western Kansas.
15 May - Wyoming (team 1), New Mexico (team 2)
Start: Jackson Hole, WY (T1) Garden City, KS (T2)
End: Jackson Hole, WY (T1), Tucumcari, NM (T2)
Distance covered: T1: 50 miles (80 km) T2: 350 miles (1129 km)
High pressure was the dominant feature, so team 1 decided to enjoy a day of in Yellowstone National Park. Team 2 intercepted a few strong storm in New Mexico near Tucumcari.
16 May - Wyoming (Team 1), Colorado (Team 2)
Start: Jackson Hole, WY (T1) Tucumcari, NM (T2)
End: Cody, WY (T1) Fort Collins, CO (T2)
Distance covered: T1: 180 miles (290 km) T2: 460 miles (740 km)
No chasing at all today for both teams. Team 1 enjoyed another day in Yellowstone National Park. Team 2 drove up to Colorado to be in position for next day chase events.
17 May - South Dakota (T1), Colorado (T2)
Start: Cody, WY (T1) Fort Collins (T2)
End: Murdo, SD (T1) Sterling, CO (T2)
Distance covered: T1: 744 miles (1197 km) T2: 150 miles (240 km)
Team 1 chases a beautifull supercell in South Dakota for more than 3 hours after a very long drive from Wyoming. Team 2 stayed in Colorado and intercepted a few stronger storm in the course of the evening.
North-east of Rapid City, South Dakota. The mothership is coming
18 May - Kansas (team 1 & 2)
Start: Murdo, SD (T1) Sterling, CO (T2)
End: Rush Center, KS (T1), Hays, KS (T2)
Distance covered: T1: 563 miles (907 km) T2: 450 miles (724 km)
Team 1 & 2 partially chased together today in Kansas. It took a very long time for storms to develop along a dry line. But after about 6 PM storms formed everywhere around us. We chased three of four storms in central Kansas. But the structure was not good enough for nicely formed supercells most of the time.
Team 1 and 2 meet up in central Kansas
19 May - Kansas (team 1), Oklahoma (team 2)
Start: Rush Center, KS (T1), Hays, KS (T2)
End: Carthage, MO (T1), Joplin, MO (T2)
Distance covered: T1: 562 miles (905 km) T2: 500 miles (801 km)
Both teams chased in the same area. Team 1 chased a vigorous supercell near Pawhuska in Oklahoma and got real close to a tornado, although they did not see it. Team 2 chased another super cell in south east Kansas into Missouri, but where unable to catch up due to traffic and the 50 mph speeding of the storm.
24 May - South Dakota & Nebraska
27 May - Wyoming (team 2)
Start: Trinidad, CO
End: Scottsbluf, NE
Distance covered: 425 miles (684 km)
Tornado intercept: Cheyenne, WO
28 May - Colorado (team 2)
Start: Scottsbluf, NE
End: Goodland, KS
Distance covered: 304miles (507 km)
Tornado intercept: Burlington, Colorado